Books in Print is Online

The Penn Library now offers the online version of Books In Print, to provide quick access to information about current or soon-to-be published books. This service of the electronic library will expedite book ordering for upcoming classes, and increase the convenience of finding accurate bibliographic data and purchase information.

Books in Print lists more than 1.8 million titles available for purchase or about-to-be-released by any of more than 44,000 North American publishers. There are also listings of titles recently gone out-of-print. The file is updated weekly to ensure the latest possible information on authors, titles, publishers, prices, and International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN)--unique identifiers for nearly every published title.

Books in Print on PennLIN works with a powerful, yet easy-to-use, search interface that allows combining of terms as well as simple author, title and subject searches. The service also provides easy e-mailing or printing of search results. Search help is available online and from reference desks in the Libraries. Books in Print is found among the PennLIN files listed on the Library Web site at

--Office of the Vice Provost and Director of Libraries


Volume 42 Number 29
April 23, 1996

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