Speaking Out

Donate Leave Time?

The appeal made by Dick Haigh of HUP's Physical Plant in the January 14 Almanac raised the following question in my mind. He mentions that the mother of Jeffrey Mosser, Jr., the son of one of his co-workers, is at home with the boy because her colleagues at the hosptial at which she works donated their leave time so she could be with her sick son.

My question: Does Penn have a similar program that would allow employees to donate leave time to some kind of pool, which co-workers with critical needs could access should their own time run out?

Although I realize setting up and maintaining such a system would require a great deal of administrative "care and feeding," I think that the benefits to those who could use the extra time off in a period of crisis would be tremendous. And while I know that the amount of paid time off we receive at the University is a major benefit for those who work here, I can't help but think there would be many among the community of employees at Penn who would give up a day or two each year to help someone who desperately needed it. I would consider it a privilege to be able to help out a colleague in this way.

I look forward to hearing if Penn has such a program in place, or would consider implementing one.

Rosemary Connors, Associate Director, Wharton Alumni Affairs

Ed. Note: Almanac was able to determine that there is no such policy now, but has not yet received a response to the proposal to consider one. K.C.G.


Volume 43 Number 19
January 28, 1997

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