Summer Research Support for Faculty

The Trustees Council of Penn Women is now offering three $3,000 summer research stipends to female faculty members, or faculty members whose research is centrally concerned with the role of women in society, science, or arts and letters.* These awards are given to assist in the promotion of standing faculty to the permanent rank of Associate Professor.

Applicants must submit a two-page summary of the research they wish to undertake; how the stipend will facilitate the research; how the award will be used and why it would be particularly useful at this time; a curriculum vitae; and the name of a University reference. The summary should be sent no later than Friday, March 7, 1997 to:

Dr. Drew Faust, Director
The Alice Paul Research Center
3440 Market Street, Suite 590/3325

Research proposals will be reviewed, and the stipend awarded, through a peer review process. It is expected that the research, or a significant subset thereof, will be concluded during the summer of 1997, and a written report will be submitted to the review panel and to the Trustees' Council. Any subsequent publication of the research results should acknowledge the support of the Council.


* Note: The amount of the award varies according to whether the recipient chooses to receive it as salary or to use it for research expenses.--D.F.


Volume 43 Number 20
February 4, 1997

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