Office of Student Conduct
Annual Report: September, 1995 - August, 1996

As of September 10, 1996

To the University Community:

Below you will find a report of disciplinary matters handled by the Office of Student Conduct (formerly the Student Dispute Resolution Center) in the academic year 1995-96. Please note that the report only covers the status of cases as of September 10, 1996. Many matters have been resolved since that time, and, of course, many new ones have arisen. It is the intention of the Office of Student Conduct to update the report and provide 1996-97 statistics at the close of this academic year.

The information in this report is provided to apprise the University community about the character and extent of some of the work of the Disciplinary System. Our goal is to be as informative as possible while protecting the confidentiality of individual students.

I will be pleased to answer questions from the University community concerning this report. I can be reached at 898-5651 or by e-mail at goldfarm@pobox.upenn.edu.

-- Michele A. Goldfarb, Esq., Director, Office of Student Conduct

I. 1995-96 New Cases

Incidents from September 1, 1995 to August 31, 1996 Academic Integrity Conduct Total Incidents (Cases) 28 90 118 Total Respondents 29 117 146 Undergraduate 26 110 136 Graduate 3 7 10 Charge Type Respondents Guidelines on Open Expression 1 Code of Academic Integrity Cheating 11 Fabrication 9 Misrepresentation of Academic Records 1 Multiple Submission 1 Plagiarism 9 Code of Student Conduct Drug Violations 8 Alcohol Violations 32 Theft and Related Violations 20 Property Violations 12 Personal Safety Violations 48 (e.g. Assault, Threats, Harassment) Security Violations (e.g. PennCard Misuse) 7 Computer Violations 6 Disorderly Conduct 43 Miscellaneous 4 Resolution of Case Academic Integrity Conduct Total Signed Agreement; Sanctions Unfulfilled 2 20 22 Signed Agreement; Sanctions Fulfilled 1 22 23 Hearing 3 1* 4 Faculty Grading Option 15 - 15 No Further Action beyond Investigation 4 36 40 Referred to OFSA/ Residential Living 0 5 5 Informal Mediation; no Further Action 0 2 2 Active Investigation 3 31 34 * Note: Two similar cases for one respondent were resolved by one Hearing.

II. 1994-95 Open Cases

Incidents from September 1, 1994 to August 31, 1995, not resolved by September 1, 1995, and therefore still active in the 1995-1996 academic year. Status as of September 10, 1996. Academic Integrity Conduct Total Respondents 5 28 33 Signed Agreement 3 11 14 Hearing 1 1 2 No Further Action beyond Investigation 0 11 11 Active Investigation 1 5 6

III. Sanctions Information

Incidents from September 1, 1994 to August 31,1996 (two academic years), not resolved by September 1, 1995, and therefore still active in the 1995-1996 academic year. Respondents may have more than one sanction, so only the most severe sanction is included. Sanction Academic Integrity Conduct Total Probation 4 11 15 Suspension 5 1 6 Expulsion 1 1 2 Other 15 45 60


Volume 43 Number 24
March 4, 1997

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