Opportunities at PENN

There are currently over 500 positions open at Penn for qualified applicants in office support, research, computing, professional, and financial areas among others. All open positions are posted on the Human Resources website at www.hr.upenn.edu. Positions are searchable by title, job, school and posting date. Applicants can apply on-line at this site and are encouraged to do so.

Applicants are also welcome to visit the Penn Job Application Center at 3550 Market Street, Suite 110, Philadelphia, PA, where five computer stations are available for you to browse open positions and apply on-line. It is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Todays Penn Partnership (formerly Todays Penn Temporaries) is also at this site, and continues to provide quality office support temps to Penn departments. Applicants interested in temporary office support work, who have at least 3 months office experience and computer proficiency, are encouraged to visit the Application Center.

NOTE: Faculty positions and positions at the Health System are not included in these listings.

-- John J. Heuer, Vice President for Human Resources

Almanac, Vol. 45, No. 5, September 29, 1998