

Microchip Analysis: A Clinical-Laboratory Perspective, on March 3, will be held in Grice Auditorium, 2 Dulles, not in Hirst Auditorium.

Functional Analysis of TFIID Components in vivo; scheduled for March 3, has been cancelled.


2 Hemodynamics and Vascular Wall Mechanics; Don Giddens, Georgia Institute of Technology; noon; 2nd floor, Vagelos Research Labs (Institute for Medicine and Engineering).

5 Anisotropic Biomechanics of the Anulus Fibrosus of the Intervertebral Disc: Constitutive Modeling and Material Property Determination; Dawn Elliot, Duke University; noon; 2nd floor, Vagelos Research Labs (Institute for Medicine and Engineering; Orthopaedic Surgery; Bioengineering).

8 Unconventional Myosins in Mechanoele­ctrical Transduction; Peter Gillespie, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine; 2 p.m.; Physiology Dept. Conference Room, 4 th floor Richards Bldg. (Pennsylvania Muscle Institute).

15 Some Steps in Cell Migration; Alan Rick Horowitz, University of Illinois; 2 p.m.; Physiology Dept. Conference Room, 4th floor, Richards Bldg. (Pennsylvania Muscle Institute).

15 Geographies of Industry in Great Britain: London, Manchester and Sheffield; Tom Misa, Illinois Institute of Technology; 4 p.m.; room 392, Logan Hall (History and Sociology of Science).

16 The Molecular and Cellular Sequelae of Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury; Tracy McIntosh, neurosurgery; noon; 2nd floor, Vagelos Research Labs (Institute for Medicine and Engineering; Bioengineering).

Deadlines: The deadline for the Update At Penn is a week before the date of publication. However, since there will will not be an issue during Spring Break; the deadline for the next issue's Update is March 9. The deadline for the April At Penn calendar is March 16.

Almanac, Vol. 45, No. 23, March 2, 1999