The Constitution of the A-3 Assembly of the University of Pennsylvania

Updated 10/99

ARTICLE I: Election of the Executive Board

A. Composition of the Board

  1. The Executive Board, hereinafter referred to as the Board is comprised of no more than a total of 20 elected individuals. These individuals are elected in accordance with the principles and procedures as stated in Article II of this Constitution and the purpose, principles and procedures by which it is governed are outlined in Article III.

ARTICLE II: Principles and Procedures Governing Election of the Executive Board

A. Elections

  1. Timing: Election for membership on the Executive Board will be held in May of each year for all upcoming vacant positions.
  2. Nominations: A call for nominations shall be constructed by the current Board members and published for advertisement to all A-3 employees.

a. The call for nominations shall be published in Almanac, the Daily Pennsylvanian and, with notice, sent to all individual A-3 employees by all available University vehicles of communication.

b. This notice shall include the following items, an established deadline, the intended publication date of the list of nominees, contact information to which to send nominations and the rules of eligibility as outlined in Section 3. The intended deadline date should be within two weeks of the nomination deadline.

c. Nominations are to be sent to the Secretary of the Board and/or other designated Board member by the established deadline.

d. All nominations received and accepted by the nominee shall be published in the Almanac on the intended issue date. This notice shall include the names, University affiliations and a brief biographical sketch of each of the nominees and shall also include the date, location and procedures of the election.

3. Eligibility for nomination and election: All full-time, weekly-paid University- designated A-3 employees are eligible to run for elected membership on the Board for positions described above in Article I.

4. Eligibility to vote in elections: All full-time, weekly-paid University- designated A-3 employees are eligible to cast vote for elected membership on the Board.

5. Election procedures: Elections will take place on the date and at the time and location stated in the published announcements. Voting will be conducted by secret ballot and coordinated by the current officers. In the case where the "call for nominations" do not yield enough nominees to fill all the vacant Board membership positions, the nominees that have been nominated will automatically be declared elected to the Board as unopposed candidates, providing they meet all the other eligibility requirements.

6. Results of the election: The results of the election with names and University affiliation of the newly elected Board members shall be published in Almanac and other University vehicles of communication within two weeks of the election day or in the next available issue.

ARTICLE III: Purpose, Principles and Procedures Governing the Executive Board

A. Nature and purpose of the Executive Board

  1. The Executive Board shall be the elected official voice of the A-3 Assembly. The Board is the decision-making body representing the Assembly in University matters and will act in a manner that serves in accordance with the principles and procedures in this Constitution and execute the mission of the Assembly with integrity while honoring the spirit of the Assembly. At least half of the elected Board must be present at a Board Meeting before business can be conducted.
  2. The Board shall consist of the general membership as well as four officers. These four positions are the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary and the Treasurer. In the event of any vacancies of these officers, a replacement shall be elected to the Board.
  3. The outgoing Chairperson will notify all new Board Members of their election and will convene a meeting of the entire Board for the purpose of electing new officers within two (2) weeks of the Board's election.
  4. The sole authority and responsibility to revise and amend this Constitution is entrusted to the Board and all such changes shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the Board.

B. The Office of Chairperson

  1. The Chairperson is the A-3 Assembly's primary executive officer and principal representative who will speak on behalf of the Assembly. The Chairperson should be knowledgeable and able to speak on all aspects of Assembly issues.
  2. The term of office for the Chairperson shall be one year.
  3. The Chairperson shall prepare the agenda and preside over the bi-monthly meetings of the Board as well as the monthly open forum meetings which are open to all A-3 employees. The Chairperson's signature shall appear on all Assembly correspondence. The Chairperson holds a seat and is required to attend all meetings of University Council and the University Council Steering Committee.

C. The Office of Vice-Chairperson

  1. The Vice-Chairperson is the second executive officer of the A-3 Assembly. The Vice-Chairperson shall be the primary advisor to the Chairperson in University matters.
  2. In the temporary absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall assume all duties and responsibilities otherwise handled by the Chairperson.

D. The Office of the Secretary

  1. The Secretary is the third executive officer of the A-3 Assembly. The Secretary is responsible for all routine correspondence of the Board.
  2. The Secretary shall be responsible for the recording and reporting of the Board meeting minutes. Such minutes should be available to any A-3 employee upon request.
  3. The Secretary shall be responsible for notifying members of the date, time and location of all meetings and functions pertaining to the Board and Assembly in collaboration with the Chairperson.
  4. The Secretary should be responsible for the publicity and dissemination of all correspondence.

E. The Office of the Treasurer

  1. The Treasurer is the fourth executive officer of the A-3 Assembly. The Treasurer shall be held accountable and responsible for handling the finances and maintaining all financial records of the Board. Such records should be made available for audit upon request from the Board.

ARTICLE IV: Resignations

  1. Board members shall tender their resignations, giving at least one month notice to the Executive Board, of such an intent, in writing.

Almanac, Vol. 46, No. 8, October 19, 1999