SENATE From the Senate Office

The following statement is published in accordance with the Senate Rules. Among other purposes, the publication of SEC actions is intended to stimulate discussion among the constituencies and their representatives. Please communicate your comments to Senate Chair Larry Gross or Executive Assistant Carolyn Burdon, Box 12 College Hall/6303, (215) 898-6943 or

Actions Taken by the Senate Executive Committee

Wednesday, September 6, 2000

1. Chair's Report. Faculty Senate Chair Larry Gross raised several topics, among them: the decanal turnover in the School of Medicine; the continuing search for a vice provost for research; and, focus groups on parking to be conducted by business services. (Those interested in participating please contact Marie Witt, business services). He drew attention to the issues before the faculty and the University in his welcome back column (Almanac September 5, 2000). Professor Gross noted that some underlining was omitted in the Copyright Policy, published in the same Almanac. The policy on-line at the Almanac website has been corrected and the corrections will be published in Almanac (click HERE for the correction).

The Chair called for nominations to fill one Faculty Senate vacancy on the Academic Planning and Budget Committee. A ballot was circulated for a vote.

2. Faculty Gender Equity Study. Past Senate Chair Phoebe Leboy, of the Task Force on Faculty Gender Equity, briefly outlined the membership, the four subcommittees and their tasks. Barbara Lowery also co-chairs. A progress report will be made at the October University Council.

3. Past Chair's Report on Academic Planning and Budget Committee and on Capital Council. Past Chair Phoebe Leboy reported that the Academic Planning and Budget Committee will hold its first meeting of the academic year in two weeks.

The Capital Council met once in June and in August. The majority of proposals discussed dealt with relatively minor (for Capital Council) projects which involved renovations, restorations, or building improvements. Most of these carried costs of less than $1 million, with the exception of a $2.5 million project to improve the PennNet data network; none exceeded $2 million. The next Capital Council meeting is scheduled for late October.

4. Update on the Campus Development Plan. Provost Barchi explained the ongoing Campus Development Planning process. Vice President for Facilities Services Omar Blaik presented the recommendations of the Campus Development Plan through text and pictorial slides. Laurie Olin, Olin Partnership, presented goals and recommendations. President Rodin and Provost Barchi were present for the discussion. In response to a SEC member, President Rodin clarified that this is a framework that will provide a concept around which decisions can be made when funds become available for various projects. Another SEC member noted that parking had not been mentioned. Mr. Olin stated they are working with a parking consultant toward a balanced system that considers parking garages, other modes of transportation, means of travel to and from 30th Street Station, as well as traveling around the campus. The Chair noted that a presentation on the Campus Development Plan will be on the agenda of the University Council September 13.

5. Informal Discussion with the President and the Provost. President Rodin discussed several issues, including: the search committee for a dean of the School of Medicine has been appointed and will be announced in Almanac and the appointment of a new Secretary of the University will be made soon.

Provost Barchi stated that the search committee for a dean of the School of Nursing is at work with the goal of a mid-fall preliminary report. He pointed out that while the search for a vice provost for research is underway he will fill that role. Professor Jill Beech, School of Veterinary Medicine, will chair a consultative review committee to consider extension of the appointment of the dean of that school.

Almanac, Vol. 47, No. 3, September 12, 2000