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December 5, 2006, Volume 53, No. 14

University Smoking Policy

In accordance with the City of Philadelphia’s Clean Indoor Air Worker Protection Law, the University has updated the policy on smoking in University facilities and buildings. The updated policy is shown below; you can also find it on the Human Resources website at www.hr.upenn.edu/policy/policies/704.asp.

For information about how to quit smoking and to learn about resources Penn offers to support this effort, go to www.hr.upenn.edu/quality/wellness/smoking_cessation.asp. In addition you can check out the Center for Disease Control’s website on this topic, at www.cdc.gov/tobacco/research_data/adults_prev/gaso06.htm. If you’re a smoker, we hope this information will help you move toward a smoke-free lifestyle.

Policy No: 704
Effective Date:  11/27/06

Smoking Prohibited in University Facilities and Buildings

1.1 Policy

The University of Pennsylvania is committed to maintaining a healthy and safe learning, working and living environment for all members and guests of our community. It therefore is the policy of the University of Pennsylvania, in adherence with the City of Philadelphia’s Clean Indoor Air Worker Protection Law, that smoking is prohibited in all University buildings and facilities, including but not limited to all classrooms, residences, laboratories, work areas, common or lounge areas, conference or meeting rooms, hallways, dining facilities, and restrooms. A limited number of designated sleeping quarters within lodging establishments maintained by the University are exempted from this policy.

In addition, smoking is prohibited within twenty (20) feet of any entrance to a University facility or building. This policy shall apply to all University facilities and buildings inside and outside of the City of Philadelphia.

This policy is established in compliance with section (4) of the Clean Indoor Air Worker Protection Law.

1.2 Enforcement

Compliance with the applicable law and this policy is the responsibility of all members and guests of the University of Pennsylvania community. Any person with concerns about the implementation of or compliance with this policy should refer the matter to his or her immediate supervisor or manager for resolution. If the matter cannot be resolved at this level, the concern should be referred to the Division of Human Resources, Staff and Labor Relations or the appropriate Dean, Vice President, Resource Center Director or their designees.

Applicability:  All members and guests of the University community
Xref:  Policy 001
Supersedes Policy No.:  903 and 704 (2/1/1992)

—Division of Human Resources

Almanac - December 5, 2006, Volume 53, No. 14