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Save the Date: October 20
September 18, 2007, Volume 54, No. 4

Celebration on the Green

Join fellow students, faculty, staff and alumni as we celebrate the kickoff of the most ambitious fundraising campaign in Penn’s history.

With momentum unmatched by any other institution, we stand at the threshold of a once-in-a-century opportunity. In front of us is the path to eminence—a campaign that promises to make Penn not only a university of distinction but also one that will model for the world a 21st-century vision for higher education.

The Time is Now.
The Place is Penn.
Celebration on the Green
October 20, 6 p.m.
College Green

For more information and to register, go to: www.alumni.upenn.edu/homecoming2007/theparty/.

Amy Gutmann, President

Almanac - September 18, 2007, Volume 54, No. 4