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March 25, 2008, Volume 54, No. 26


Penn is keeping up in the ranks!

Data from the sixth week (March 2-8) of RecycleMania is now in;  Penn remains competitive!

Note: Due to spring break weeks, participation and reporting variances may impact rankings.

Per Capita Classic: Schools compete to see which can collect the largest amount of acceptable recyclables per person—Penn collected 8.59 lbs. per person and ranks 77th out of 147—a ranking increase again this week from last week’s 89th out of 154, with seven additional schools reporting.

Gorilla Prize: Honors the school that recycles the highest gross tonnage of materials regardless of campus population—Penn has recycled 348,565 lbs. to date and ranks 15th out of 166. Fewer schools reported this week (last week: 172 schools), but we continue to maintain a pretty solid overall ranking.

Waste Minimization: Schools compete to see which produces the least amount of municipal solid waste (including both recyclables and trash) per person—Penn is ranked 46th out of 85. We remain ahead of all the other Ivies competing in this category for the 6th week in a row!

Grand Champion: Recognizes the school that, based on their combined results, demonstrates the greatest achievement in both source reduction and recycling—Penn’s 17.95 percent total shows only a slight decrease in rank from last week’s (57th out of 79) to this week’s (61st out of 78).

Support Our Events

Penn’s watching …The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard. It’s interactive and you can watch it too at www.storyofstuff.com.

Weekly Event: Annual Supplier Show, Wednesday, March 26, 10 a.m.–2 p.m., Hall of Flags, Houston Hall. This year’s theme: Green Campus Partnership. Vendors are encouraged to focus on their sustainable product offerings. Come to the show, take the pledge, win the raffle for an HP1 PDA! For details visit: www.purchasing.upenn.edu/social/green-purchasing/phpsuppliers.

Ongoing Events: Free Coffee Fridays! Bring your own reusable mug to Houston Market and Einstein Bros. Bagels!
And we can do even better!

We’re in the second half of RecycleMania, so  let’s keep building on our success!  Penn’s RecycleMania website (www.upenn.edu/recyclemania) has lots of tips! If you have specific questions about how your school, center, College House or department recycles send them to recyclemania@pobox.upenn.edu.

When we stop to think about the environment, everyone wins, so remember: Stop! Think! Recycle!

—RecycleMania Planning Committee




Almanac - March 25, 2008, Volume 54, No. 26