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Agenda for University Council Meeting
September 23, 2008 , Volume 55, No. 5

Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 4 p.m.
Bodek Lounge, Houston Hall

Source: Office of the University Secretary

I. Welcome. (1 minute)

II. Appointment of a Moderator. (1 minute)

III. Announcement of appointment of a Parliamentarian. (1 minute)

IV. Purpose of Council. (2 minutes)

V. Approval of the minutes of April 30, 2008. (2 minutes)

VI. Follow-up comments or questions on Status Reports. (5 minutes)

VII. Presentation and scheduling of focus issues for University Council for the academic year. (5 minutes)

VIII. Discussion of Council Committee charges. (10 minutes)

IX. Timing and Format of Open Forum. (2 minutes)

X. Adjournment by 5 p.m.


Related: Annual Report of the Steering Committee for University Council 2007-2008


Almanac - September 23, 2008, Volume 55, No. 5