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Consultative Review Committee for Social Policy & Practice Dean Reappointment
January 13, 2009, Volume 55, No. 17

President Amy Gutmann and Provost Ronald Daniels have announced the formation of a Consultative Review Committee to advise them on the reappointment of Richard Gelles as Dean of the School of Social Policy & Practice. Dean Gelles’ initial term as Dean will end on January 31, 2010. University policy requires that a Consultative Review Committee be established to advise the President and Provost whenever the reappointment of a Dean is contemplated. In addition, each member of the standing faculty of the Dean’s School is given the opportunity to give confidential advice and views directly to the President and Provost.

The members of the Consultative Review Committee on the Reappointment of Richard Gelles as Dean of the School of Social Policy & Practice are:


Damon Freeman (SP2)

Joan Hendricks (Dean, School of Veterinary Medicine), Chair

Phyllis Solomon (SP2)

Susan Sorenson (SP2)

Eileen Sullivan-Marx (Nursing)

Michael Weisberg (SAS)

Irene Wong (SP2)

Stanton Wortham (Education)


Julie Cederbaum, PhD student (SP2)

Elizabeth Pisarczyk, Master’s student (SP2)

Alumni Representative

Wendy Hornick, SW’75

Staff to the Committee

Adam Michaels, President’s Office

Stephen Steinberg, President’s Office

The Review Committee welcomes and encourages input from all members of the Penn community. Communications may be directed to any member of the Committee, but are most conveniently forwarded to Dr. Steinberg (sps@upenn.edu) or Mr. Michaels (adampm@upenn.edu), who are supporting the review process. Comments should be submitted no later than February 27, 2009.


Almanac - January 13, 2009, Volume 55, No. 17