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NGSS (Next Generation Student Systems)

September 8, 2009, Volume 56, No. 02

Over the summer, SRFS (Student Registration and Financial Services) and ISC (Information Systems and Computing) launched an important project to plan for the next generation of student services and systems. Known as NGSS (Next Generation Student Systems), the project focuses on three core areas: student records and registration (SRS); financial aid (SAM); billing and receivables (BRS).

While current services and the applications that support SRFS provide a rich set of features to students and faculty, the underlying technologies are between 20 and 30 years old. In addition, it has been quite some time since we have taken a fresh look at the evolution of our business needs. To support both current and anticipated future requirements from students, Schools, academic centers, and departments and to better realize the goals of the Penn Compact in areas such as support for cross-disciplinary offerings and increasing access for non-traditional students, we need to form a common vision for improvements and innovations in the delivery of student services.

After giving careful thought to the timing of the project, the University concluded that it is imperative to weigh options now and not risk technical obsolescence in the foreseeable future.

So, beginning this fall, the project team will work with representatives from Schools, academic centers, and departments that deliver student services, as well as undergraduate and graduate student organizations, to form a collective plan for the future. In addition, the team will review systems and processes at other institutions of higher education and survey best practice models in private industry. Later in 2010—based on the information gathered—the team will identify and recommend strategic options for replacement of, or enhancements to, current student systems and processes.

NGSS is a significant planning effort with a large potential impact on the University. We invite you to share our excitement as we launch this very important initiative.  For further information or questions regarding the project, please contact the project managers at NGSS-mgmt@sfs.upenn.edu.

—Robin Beck,

—Michelle H. Brown-Nevers,

Vice President

 Associate Vice President

Information Systems and Computing 

Student Registration and Financial Services


Almanac - September 8, 2009, Volume 56, No. 02