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Flexible Work Options Can Benefit You and Penn
October 6, 2009, Volume 56, No. 06

This is the first in a series of articles this October that honors National Work and Family Month—a campaign to raise awareness of the importance of worklife benefits.

We know how overwhelming life can be from one day to the next. Long commutes, family obligations, and a host of other personal circumstances can cause substantial hurdles when it comes to your work schedule. At Penn, we value the diverse needs of our faculty and staff and strive to help you reach both your personal and professional goals. That’s why we provide information about flexible work options that may help you have some control over when, where and how your work gets done.

From non-traditional work hours to compressed job schedules and off-campus worksites, flexible work options offer creative approaches to managing your own needs as well as those of the University. Whether you’re a parent with dependent care issues, a person in need of more time for professional development or health and wellness activities, or you’re simply looking to cut back on your commute and reduce your carbon footprint, flexible work options may be something to consider.  Many people find that flexible work arrangements improve productivity on and off the job and help to carry out Penn’s mission of scholarship, service, and sustainability.

If you think there’s a flexible work option that’s conducive to your job role and work environment and can be advantageous to your lifestyle, visit the Human Resources website at www.hr.upenn.edu/Quality/Worklife/FlexOptions. You’ll learn about which flexible work options are available and how to set up a successful arrangement for you and your department. This site also includes an introductory guide and training manual on flexible work options and tools for staff and supervisors to use when designing or considering alternative work schedule proposals. Keep in mind that a flexible work agreement ultimately must meet the needs of the department and the University, so it may not always be possible for flexible work option proposals to be approved. 

For information, contact the Division of Human Resources at (215) 898-0380 or kraut@upenn.edu.

—Division of Human Resources

Related: Penn Certificate Program in Administrative Excellence

Almanac - October 6, 2009, Volume 56, No. 06