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Botswana-UPenn Partnership

October 11, 2011, Volume 58, No. 07

In 2001, Penn began a partnership with the government of Botswana with the goal of combating the HIV/AIDS epidemic in this nation. In the past ten years, Penn’s involvement has expanded from medical care to include research and educational exchanges with the University of Botswana. To celebrate this anniversary, there will be several events this week on campus.

Experience Africa Forum: Penn Student Perspectives: Penn students speak about their past internships, study abroad, service learning and research in Botswana, Ghana, and South Africa; October 12 at 5-6:30 p.m. in room 345, Jon M. Huntsman Hall. For info, contact Cara Bonnington at carab@gse.upenn.edu or (215) 573-6047.

Botswana Research Update: Dr. Andrew Steenhoff, research director of the Botswana-UPenn Partnership and co-director of the CFAR International Core, provides an overview of the resources available for research in Botswana, October 13 at 2-4 p.m. in room 253, BRB II/III.

Penn and CHOP faculty, staff, and trainees who are involved in research or planning future projects in Botswana are invited to attend. RSVP to participate or send questions to Heather Calvert at hcalvert@mail.med.upenn.edu or (215) 573-8410.

2001-2011: Ten Years of Penn in Botswana Anniversary Symposium: October 14, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the BRB II/III Auditorium. For more information, contact: muraglia@mail.med.upenn.edu or (215) 573-8499.

See the Botswana-UPenn Partnership web site: www.med.upenn.edu/botswana/

Almanac - October 11, 2011, Volume 58, No. 07