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Summer Research Support for Junior Faculty: March 2

February 14, 2012, Volume 58, No. 22

The Trustees’ Council of Penn Women offers three $5,000 summer research stipends to women faculty, or faculty members whose research is centrally concerned with the role of women in society, science, or arts and letters.* These awards are given to assist in the promotion of standing faculty to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure. Those who have previously applied and did not receive an award are encouraged to apply again.

To apply for the stipend, please submit the following:

• a cover sheet listing the name of a University reference and other sources of researchsupport, including those that are pending, etc. (for the link to the cover sheet form, see: www.sas.upenn.edu/gsws/content/trustees-council-penn-women-fellowships)

• a 2-page summary of the research you wish to undertake;

• an explanation of how the stipend will facilitate your research, and why it would be particularly useful to you at this time;

• a curriculum vitae.

These materials should be sent to: Summer Research Award, The Alice Paul Center for Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality, 411 Cohen Hall, 249 S. 36th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6304. The deadline is Friday, March 2, 2012.

The stipends will be awarded through a peer review process. It is expected that the research, or a significant subset of it, will be concluded during the summer of 2012, and that a written report will be submitted to the review panel and to the Trustees’ Council. Any subsequent publication of the research results should acknowledge the support of the Council.

*Note: The amount of the award varies according to whether the recipient chooses to receive it as salary or to use it for research expenses.

Almanac - February 14, 2012, Volume 58, No. 22