Small Change for Big Changes

Penn VIPS (Volunteers in Public Service) will participate in a Ronald McDonald House drive to collect everyone's penny jars, idle coins or pocket change. If everyone gives a little, we can collect a sizable sum of pennies, nickels and dimes. The funds are needed to help our neighbor pay the last installment of the House's 24-bedroom expansion at 39th and Chestnut. More than 100,000 families have stayed at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House since its inception in 1974. We can help them achieve their goal by donating those unwanted pennies--stashed in glass jars, dumped in car ashtrays, tossed in cans or weighing down pants pockets. The drive runs from October 19 to 23. For more information call 898-2020.

-- Bonnie Ragsdale, Coordinator, PennVIPS

Penny Drive Drop-Off Points

* 3401 Walnut (223A/Collections; 265C/UMIS)

* Book Store (see Velda Williams in Customer Service)

* Franklin Building (Rm. 005/Student Financial Services; 427A/Assest Management; 728/EVP)

* Mellon Bank Building (519/Community Relations)

* Penn Tower Hotel (Information Desk)

* Van Pelt Library (Shared Catalog Dept.)